Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Used Elvis Stamp

Title: Elvis Stamp, Used
Date: Sometime after 1992
Category: Stamp
Current status: Recycled

Among the many dumb things that Ray and became fascinated with in the early 90's was Elvis. Not the young, popular rockin' Elvis... and not really old, fat jumpsuit Vegas Elvis either. Ours was some weird, hyper-amalgamated super Elvis. Probably more in line with old, fat jumpsuit Elvis, but more godlike. The big E used to hang around us all the time, usually possessing one of us in order to do things like try and get us to stop for food, explain his weird philosophy, or use the Elvis Side of the Force to royally screw things up and turn traffic lights red. Jerk.

I realize this makes no sense. Perhaps down the road, I will go into more detail on the John & Ray version of Elvis. At any rate, I was giving you some background on why I would have this thing.

Ray and I thought Elvis was ridiculous and his music was goofy. And so we decided to look for cheap, silly Elvis stuff. When the US Postal Service released these Elvis stamps back in 1992, we thought they were neat. We were disappointed it wasn't jumpsuit Elvis, but it was still a goofy looking image of The King. I bought some on the first day of issue and put them in a little frame. When somebody sent me a card with an Elvis stamp (might've been my mom... she would often play along with the dumb things we did although she seemed bewildered when we told people that she wrote songs for Wang Chung to help pay for grad school), I decided that I needed to also keep a cancelled Elvis stamp to go with the unused one. So it, like the unused stamps, the autographed photocopied picture of an Elvis Impersonator, the Floors-A-Plenty brochure, the Irish 5 pound note, the piece of cheese, and a multitude of other odd items, went up on the Wall of Stupid in my bedroom.

The Wall of Stupid was an area in one corner that was covered in a black & white checkerboard plastic tablecloth (2-Tone Ska period) where I stapled any odd thing that I took a liking to. It was pretty well covered. I'm pretty sure I have some pictures somewhere and I'll be sure to share.

Anyway, that's about it about the stamp. It was a stamp... with Elvis on it. Kinda boring really.

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