Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Anti-Barney Society

Title: Sheet of Anti-Barney Society Membership Cards
Date: Spring 1993
Category: Clubs
Current Status: Seeking new members!

When I was in high school, Barney the Dinosaur was still insanely popular. I hated him. He was so annoyingly cheerful and happy with his idiotic lip synching children. The songs were atrocious and let's face it, some of those kids were way too old to be believable as followers of a purple 'shroom side effect.
Ray and I felt a call to action one day after reading one of our favorite Star-Telegram writers. Lisa Davis (I think she was Kessler back then) wrote something about how awful Barney was and for some reason, we felt the need to form a club... a club whose sole purpose was to proclaim our hatred of the plum colored Jurassic Dork. I think we tried to recruit Lisa too, but I don't know if she ever actually played along.
To make the membership cards, we actually had to buy a Barney coloring book. In those days, we didn't have easy access to download images of things off the internet so we had to find some other way to lift Barney's copyrighted image. I'm not sure why Ray wrote the "do not write below line" on the side. I have some vague memory of some genius signing his name UNDER the line making it difficult to cut out the card.
Not sure how many people actually signed up, but if you did, let me know. Maybe we can get a new group going on Facebook!
Aside from the highly inaccurate color of this creature, wouldn't a t-rex just EAT those freaking kids? Man, that would've been cool. "Hey kids! What's 6 minus 1?" *Eats Michael* "It's 5!!! HUH HUH HUH HUH!" Yeah, I'd watch that.

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