Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Magic Eye Picture

Title: Magic Eye Picture
Date: Not sure
Category: Irritation
Current Status: Recycled

Remember these $%#*ing things? Somewhere, buried in the static, is some picture that will magically appear in 3D if you can make yourself cross-eyed enough. I used to be able to do these fairly well, but man they were annoying. I can remember that there would be one in the comics section of the Sunday paper every week and my dad and I would try and figure out what the hell they were. I also remember there being a kiosk at the Parks Mall in Arlington that sold large, color magic eye pictures, presumably for framing. Because hey, nothing says fine art like a picture your house guests have to stare at like idiots for several minutes before they can tell what it is.
I can't tell what this is for sure. I think my dad got it from somewhere and made photocopies. I think I might have the image in this blog upside down, but I'm not sure. I saw what looks like "ad3" which could be a reference to this ad company. Again, I'm not sure. Now we can do an experiment to find out if a computer scanned image of a magic eye picture can be seen on a computer. I think you are supposed to stare at the spot between the two dots for 15 seconds and then pull back while keeping your eyes in whatever messed up focus they were in while staring at the dots.
One thing I can tell you, it's not a sailboat.

1 comment:

  1. I never could see the images in these things. That didn't stop me from walking by the kiosk at the Parks, stopping for a couple seconds, saying, "Wow, that's awesome!", and walking off while a bunch of frustrated people kept looking for the image.
