Date: 1986 or 1987
Category: Advertising
Current Status: Flipped over
Do you remember the Suzuki Samurai? They were these cute little mini jeep looking things that were pretty popular for a couple of years. They were sporty without screaming mountain man and were pretty affordable so you didn't have to have a rich daddy to get you one (although it helped). Drive around town or off road. No worries! And it was cozy so you and your date could go make out behind a tree and have the tree hide the whole freaking vehicle.
I really wanted one of these things. Granted, I was 11 or 12 and had no money or driver's license, but I REALLY wanted one of these things. I tried to convince my parents to get me one and it could be my Christmas and Birthday present until I was out of college, but no... they didn't see the practicality of buying a vehicle that wouldn't be driven by me for another 4 years. Silly parents. And of course, there's no way I would have gotten tired of never getting birthday and Christmas gifts all through my teen years.
At any rate, my love affair with this thing lasted for awhile. I would take pictures of them in parking lots, particularly the grey special edition that was most awesome. I had pictures (like this ad) on my wall. Most boys my age had posters of Lamborghini, Ferrari, Lotus, Trans Am... I had a girly little dollhouse SUV. No wonder I got beat up in Jr High.
At any rate, my love affair faded once it became well known that these vehicles had a problem with rolling over with little provocation. They faded away into the world of "cars nobody really remembers," although I did see one a few months ago. I couldn't believe there was still one on the road.

"these vehicles had a problem with rolling over with little provocation." never ever. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6_1o_FxsNs thousands of us drive them to this day and never roll over. even in extreme off road conditions the it is almost impossible to 'roll' a cube...