School: J. B. Little Elementary
School Year: 1984-1985
Principal: Al Miller
Category: Class Picture
Current Status: Photo Box where no one will ever see this again
I remember Mrs. Windham's "Homeroom" class. At Little, we had a homeroom teacher that also double as our social studies/science/health/non-Reading, non-math, non-PE teacher. In 4th grade, it was Mrs. Windham. I guess our overall class had gotten too big (which was solved for 5th grade when the opened Corey elementary and many of us were sent there) because there was no room for us with the rest of the 4th graders. 4th grade was pretty much all in temporary buildings anyway, but there was no more temporary space. So, we started the school year completely segregated from the rest of our grade in a little nook next to the two rooms where the music teachers held court. Somewhere during the school year, we got our own temporary building out by the monkey bars.
I don't remember much about what we learned from Mrs. W. I remember something about Mt. St. Helens, learning about cardio exercises and spending 3 minutes working out to the Pointer Sisters' "Neutron Dance", and I remember reading my own parody of "Twas the Night Before Christmas" in front of the class. That's about it. I have some vague memories of other classes, Mrs. Taylor for English I believe (sentence diagramming NOOOOO!!!!) and Mrs. Moon for Math?
I can maybe name 50-75% of the people in this photo.... but I won't. Some of these people I am connected to on Facebook and they'll most likely be horrified that I've broadcasted this monstrosity across the internets. If you would like to point out that you are in this photo, feel free. If you can't tell, I'm in the front row, third from the right with the dark sweater, poofy hair, and idiotic smile.
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