Date: I just told you that
Category: Calendar
Current Status: Recycled
Look! It's an appropriately dated entry! February 20th... okay so, it's not Wednesday and it's 18 years later, but hey... same date otherwise.
Here we learn that this is the birthday of Bobby Unser and Charles "What he do this time" Barkley. It's also Phil Esposito's birthday and on this very same day back in 1971, scored his 50th goal of that season. Way to go, Phil!
Let's see... when this date appeared on my calendar, I was in 10th grade... let me think if I can remember my classes:
Psychology with Mrs. Beazley
Algebra II with.... Mrs. Hailey?
P.E. with Coach Smith
Lunch with Reinhold, Joshwa, Skippy, Opie the Janitor, and Mr. McBride
English with Mrs. Maddox
Latin I with Mrs. Smith
Chemistry with Mr. Powell
I didn't have a job yet, I didn't have a driver's license yet, The Cowboys hadn't won a super bowl yet, and George Bush was still president.
man that seems so long ago.
I forgot her name. Mrs. Smith, she got lupus our junior/senior year and we never saw her again.