For anybody that is interested, here is the second part of the retrospective on the infamous cult classic "John & Ray Ruin Christmas."
Now that I've told the whole horrifying story of the how's and why's of the creation of this holiday not-so-classic, let me now give a run down of the song selection. I'm pretty much just going off the handwritten original info book that I have with the master copy of the cassette. If it's not on there, then it doesn't exist and anything that you hear on the tape that isn't covered here is a figment of your imagination.
1. Introduction - For whatever reason, this is the only non-music track that I listed on the track sheet. Ray and I used the classic "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies" by the Nutcracker (Tchaikovsky) as our intro music. We also used on every subsequent version of Ruin Christmas. It should be noted that our "joke" about the Christmas tree on fire was really forced and sounds ridiculous... especially since we laugh through the whole thing.
2. Blue Christmas3. Santa Claus is Back in Town4. Santa Bring My Baby Back to MeAhhh, the Elvis block. Three glorious songs by Elvis Presley. Many, many people think Elvis was a fantastic singer/entertainer. I find him to be ridiculous. These three songs are fabulously goofy because of Elvis "style"... meaning, Elvis likes to make odd sounds that aren't really words, not really musical, but can't even be classified as scat. just weird, rhythmic goofy sounds.
And then there are the backup singers. Backup singers in the early days of rock n' roll were always a little out of place, but the
Jordanaires just went with Elvis like wine goes with fried pickles. I get this image of Elvis running amuck on eggnog and sugar cookies, making goofy sounds and singing songs about Santa driving Cadillacs and kidnapping women. All the while, here are these guys in the back of the room singing backup in tuxedos and trying to add an air of seriousness to the ludicrous nature that is
Elvis' Christmas Album.
5. Hark, the Herald Angels Sing6. Silent NightThe Quackers from
The Quacker's Christmas AlbumTruly, truly horrifying. Until you hear this, you really can't understand just why we advise you to not listen to this while driving. Somebody, somewhere thought they could do an amusing Donald Duck impersonation, put together a band of synthesized country musicians, and made this. And sold this. Words do not do the awfulness justice.
7. Howdy Doody ChristmasHowdy Doody & The Fontane Sisters from
A TV Family ChristmasI was not alive when Howdy Doody was on. For that I'm grateful. I realize that many in my parents generation idolized HD when they were children, but lets face it... he was a creepy marionette. Not only is he weirdness on strings, but his idea of a fun Christmas song is downright disturbing.
During this song, he hits on the backup singers, mispronounces several words, adds extra syllables to other words, and then yells malevolently at everybody to make them understand that it's a "Howdy Doody Christmas"... whatever the hell that is.
8. Christmas With the DevilSpinal Tap from
Break Like the WindOkay, granted it's a joke band that is intentionally "bad", but the sentiment is perfect for ruining Christmas and the song is hilarious. This one you can actually enjoy, even if it doesn't make you feel all that festive.
9. Santa Cow10. Twelve Days of Christmasfrom
It's a Cow ChristmasI don't what the deal with this album was. It was bad and much of was unlistenable bad. Just not entertaining at all. And yet, there were a couple of gems that were just so odd that they, along with the Quackers, became the foundation of this whole project. Santa Cow is this bizarre song about cows in a barn that exeprience "Twas the Night Before Christmas" in their own bovine way. Santa Cow is a cow that drives a sleigh pulled by other cows and delivers gifts to cows. It doesn't make much sense and I still have a hard time following the "plot." The backup singers are pretty entertaining.
The Twelve Days of Christmas is performed by some dopey cow that has no rhythm or ability to sing in the right key. The things the farmer gives to the cow are just ridiculous. I mean... poodles?
Strangely enough, this album has apparently become a minor collectible. At most online shops, I see this for sale used at above the original retail price. It's long out of print.
11. Santa BabyEartha Kitt from
Billboard Greatest Christmas Hits 1935-1954First off, I was sorry to hear of Ms. Kitt's recent passing on Christmas Day '08. Largely because of this song and its inclusion here, I always been kinda fond of her.
Eartha was, judging by this song, ahead of Madonna as the original "Material Girl" by a good 30 years. It's holiday greed at it's finest. And it's seductive too... not at all what you'd expect from the "good old days" where nobody had sex and everybody was a good Christian.
I cringe a little bit when I hear us mock this song. We were unfamiliar with it, mostly. I actually like the song, but it would still earn a spot on the list for the anti-Christmas spirit of getting that it promotes.
12. Jimgle BellsPierre from Jacques Cousteau's Underwater Christmas
Much like the Quackers, this bit was brought about by a voice that I could do. No, not Cousteau since this might be the worst French accent ever recorded. It's the "underwater" voice of Pierre.
This is one of several times over the years that I did more than one voice in a live recorded skit. Ray, while a very funny guy, is not so good with voices. He can do Arnold Schwarzenegger and Elvis... and that's about it. In fact, everytime he tried to do an accent or something, it inevitably turned into either Arnold or Elvis. So, I had to do a lot of the impersonations.
13. Grandma Got Run Over By a ReindeerElmo & Patsy from
Grandma Got Run Over By a ReindeerEarlier in the tape, Ray and explain that the songs we use are ones that either aren't supposed to be bad but are anyway or songs that you might not be so familiar with. Well, this one fails both of those. Everybody knows this song and everybody knows that its bad. Why did we put it on here? Filler.
14. Christmas at Ground Zero"Weird Al" Yankovic from
Polka PartyI'm a Weird Al fan. What can I say? And this song is the peppiest yuletide nuclear armaggeddon song you will ever hear.
15. I'm Dressin' Up Like Santa (When I Get Out on Parole)16. The Chimney SongBob River's Comedy Troupe from
Twisted ChristmasI really hate this album. When I was a kid and it first came out, it was kind of amusing. But now, it's just annoying in that bad comedy album sort of way.
17. Santa Looked a Lot Like DaddyBuck Owens from
A TV Family ChristmasAhhhhh... Hee Haw... one of the worst television programs ever to be broadcast on American TV (pre-reality TV era). This song, performed by the legendary Buck Owens, isn't really that bad, but it is pretty goofy. It's very "sittin' on grandpa's porch in the Ozarks" country and I feel like I need to put on overalls everytime it comes on.
18. Twas the Night Before Christmas IIAnonymous from Christmas Stuff
I wrote this back in the 4th grade. For whetever reason, I decided I needed to write a parody of Twas the Night Before Christmas. The version here is largely my original text, but there were several changes. Things that were funny to me as an 8 year old just seemed absurd and out of place at age 17.
The most interesting piece of trivia about this track is that it was recorded in one take. The Halloween sound effects tape used as the background was NOT listened to prior to pressing the record button. We just put the tape in and hit play and I started reading. Consequently, when the scary monster guy starts talking about 10 seconds in, I wasn't expecting it and was in fact actually about to start speaking. The crazy thing is how the Halloween tape and the poem actually link up in several spots. It's almost Wizard of Oz/Pink Floyd.
19. Rubber Chicken Christmas SongEsther & The Spatulas from The Trees and Your Mashed Potatoes
This might be my favorite part of this whole stupid project. This is Ed Wood if he was a musician. I find this song so bad that it's actually good in a weird abstract, avant garde sort of way. Despite the three of us (Ray, my sister, and me) all playing instruments willy nilly, there's a bit of rhythm and a slight tune. I like my rubber chicken voice and the words are just so stupid, I can't help but smile.
The Rudolph the Rubber Chicken part was hard for me to say as fast as i needed to and so somewhere, I have a tape of outtakes where I keep screwing this part up and getting angry and yelling... all while still doing the rubber chicken voice.
20. There Goes Santa ClausInvisible Toasters from Dehydrated
Ray wrote this, I sang it. Not sure why I pronounced "sirens" the way I did.
21. The Christmas SongDirty Laundry from Cowboys and Hamsters
Ray wrote and sang this. It's really a horrific song and pretty disturbing. Listening to it now, I'm surprised that Ray could be that dark.
22. Deck the HallsHonkville Duck Chorus from Christmas in Honkville
Ummmm.... Geez, this is gonna take some explaining. I'm not going to go too deep into this here, but Honkville was a town in Idaho populated by ducks and the people who idolized the ducks. Ray and I created this thing after a History assignment gone wrong and it it went horribly out of control (we actually produced a daily paper for several months). The ducks can do anything people can, except they don't speak English. Thinking about that, it really makes no sense. They can drive cars, hold down jobs, write books.... but not speak English. Weird.
23. A Message from the KingBob River's Comedy Troupe from
Twisted ChristmasOh look... we're running out of material... time to fill space!
24. Twelve Days of Christmas25. Carol of the Cowbellsfrom
It's a Cow ChristmasMore space filler... we play that stupid cow song again and then a not that bad version song in Carol of the Cowbells
26. Santa's BeardThey Might Be Giants from
LincolnA last minute addition to fill time. TMBG's Lincoln is still one fabulous album.
Additional songs that for whatever reason I didn't include in the track listing include some other Quackers songs, including the unbelievably stupid "I'm a Rubber Duck", A medley of three christmas songs played at the same time, and "O Christmas Tree" sung by my sister in ear bleeding falsetto.
Finally, I'd just like to say that I talk way too much on this thing and try way too hard to be funny. I should have shut up and let Ray talk more.